CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Morning Lecture
* Welcome to CNMAT
* Introductions
* Overview of the Week:
* Moving from:
* contact sensors (mostly charge-flow based), e.g. many touch, switches,
* near-field sensors (mostly e-field based). e.g. capacitive proximity, inertial
* to far-field and very distant sensors, e.g. cameras, sattelites
* And:
* mono sound output
* multichannel output

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Source Code Repositories

The "CNMAT" svn repository runs from, the G5 in the media studio. It contains a large quantity of MaxMSP software and other materials. It has no web-view. See "Using Subversion", etc.

Rimas manages a collection of svn repositories on It has a web front-end at [].

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Xcode Project Settings

Here is a collection of common configuration details necessary for Xcode projects to build properly.

- The Active Build Configuration must be set to "Deployment" otherwise the resulting object will not work.
- Under External Frameworks, you will need to add the MaxAPI; for MSP objects, also add the MaxAudioAPI. There are also APIs for Jitter and Javascript externals.

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Use Cases

This documentation section is experimental and needs cleanup. Most of what is described in these use cases is currently still under development or downright imaginary.

For technical definition, read this article on the [w:Use Case].

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File Shares

The following networked file shares are available:

- *WWW-Archive*: Old (current) website materials (WebDAV)
- *Bach-Archive*: Copy of home directory content from the old Bach share

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Using CLAM

I'd like to learn more about this:

I've been using it for about 20 minutes, and it's crashing all the time. :-(
However, I did cajole a model out of it:

- Stream 0 = 1FQ0 (the fundamental)
- Stream 1 = 1STF (discrete short-term fourier transform)
- Stream 2 = 1TRC (the partials)

I used this tutorial:

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Network Configuration

CNMAT has its own Class C network (a block of 255 public IP addresses), commonly referred to as "CNMAT Local". Many network resources can only be accessed from within this network. CNMAT's network is a subset of the UC Berkeley campus network, and many campus network resources can only be accessed from within this large network, or via the UCB Library proxy.

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I recommend you install an external mouse and keyboard to attach to your laptop if you plan to work with it for any length of time.
