CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.


OpenMusic Workshop

Fri, September 13, 2013, 9:00pm
Friday, September 13, 2013 - 21:00
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Book page

Downstairs Printer

**Location:** Downstairs in the hallway alcove.

**Type:** HP Color Laser Printer

**Capabilities:** Duplexing, Black and white and Color laser prints. Native postscript support. Standard US letter size paper and large format up to 12.5 x 18.5 inch paper., Thick card stock support.


Book page

2. Defining Terms

Given that this is an interdisciplinary work with a multiperspectival audience, it is necessary to assure ourselves that we are all talking about the same things. Cognitive science, itself an interdisciplinary field, is plagued by the slippage caused by multiple simultaneous meanings of commonly used terms.

Book page

Conflicts and Confllict Resolution

Suppose two people ("Alice" and "Bob") are working on the same file. Both check out the current version of the file.

Alice finishes first, and commits a new revision of the file.

In an ideal world, Bob would do an "svn update" after Alice's commit, and then Bob would have Alice's new version as a starting point, and everything would be great. But things could go wrong if

Book page

Windows Build/Release Process

CNMAT's Windows box is a Dell Dimension 4500. It's name is "Perotin", IP address It's currently located in Andy's office on the bottom floor. The CPU is sitting on the floor near the door.

Book page

Java and Javascript Externals

The subversion directory structure has /max/java, /max/js, and /max/jsui.

You can put the same kind of name/value table in a comment in the Java or Javascript source code as you would in C code. For example, here's the current name/value table for SDIF-menu2:

NAME: SDIF-menu2

Book page

Submission and Preparation of Conference and Journal Papers

Internal CNMAT peer review is required for all papers you submit with a CNMAT affiliation.
We use the Drupal Case Tracker, Publications nodes and Calendar to organize this process.

Create a case for each paper for the primary author.
Develop notes on the content as comments to that node.
Use the Case Tracker to flag the papers motion through the submission/acceptation/publishing process.

Book page

3. New Paradigms: Embodied Mind, Situated Cognition

Music provides an especially interesting laboratory for the study of cognition. Because so much musical behavior is non-linguistic in nature, music tends to challenge dominant linguistic paradigms, which reduce all cognition to rational thought processes such as problem solving, deductive reasoning, and inference.

Book page

5. On the Perception of Meter

In this chapter I shall turn to the concept of meter, and its role in shaping our musical perceptions. The first question to ask is why we have meter at all. I shall stress that meter has some special status among the various time spans of music, and in particular that its function is both established and constrained by our embodied perceptual and cognitive abilities.
