Morning Lecture
* Welcome to CNMAT
* Introductions
* Overview of the Week:
* Moving from:
* contact sensors (mostly charge-flow based), e.g. many touch, switches,
* near-field sensors (mostly e-field based). e.g. capacitive proximity, inertial
* to far-field and very distant sensors, e.g. cameras, sattelites
* And:
* mono sound output
* multichannel output
* to image and motion output;
* And:
* notes and events
* to process control.
* Design Patterns and low hanging fruit
* The Anatomy of Sensor Systems: the source environment, the sensor and the sink environment
* Design Patterns: many, rapid prototyping, patching, abstraction, size matters, label the numbers, bussing, design the numbers, minimize documentation, overkill helps (analog vs digital inputs, pressure vs switch), don't reinvent the wheel, reinvent the wheel
* Introduction to OSC
Andy Schmeder
* Installation of Max/MSP and Jitter, and patches for the lab, internet access
* Installing the bit wacker
* Exploring basic sensor devices with the bit wacker
* Building OSC wrappers