E-mail service for the cnmat.berkeley.edu sub-domain is managed by CalMail/IST Departmental Domain Service. The policy that applies to all users of campus e-mail including those at CNMAT may be found here: http://technology.berkeley.edu/policy/DRAFT/ucb-ecp.html.

All accounts must be affiliated with an active CalNet ID. Account administration is restricted to the domain administrators, who are in turn managed by CalMail support staff.

This document assumes that you already have an active account. If not, see the instructions at the bottom.

**E-mail Client Configuration**

*Receiving Mail:*

- Account Type: POP
- Incoming Mail Server: calmail.berkeley.edu
- Port: 995
- Use SSL: Yes
- Authentication: Password
- User Name: johndoe@cnmat.berkeley.edu
- Password: **************

*Sending Mail:*

- Outgoing Mail Server: calmail.berkeley.edu
- Port: 25
- Use SSL / TLS: Yes
- Authentication: Password
- User Name: johndoe@cnmat.berkeley.edu
- Password: **************

*Mail Handling (recommended practice):*

- Delete downloaded messages from server after 1 week

Using this setting you will be able to read recently received messages using the CalMail web client ([http://calmail.berkeley.edu]) in the event that your normal e-mail client is unavailable. Specific configuration instructions to achieve this effect vary by e-mail client.

*Vacation Messages, Aliases, Forwarding, and Spam Settings:*

Users can manage their account settings from the CalMail home page under "Manage My Account" ([http://calmail.berkeley.edu/account]).

**E-mail Domain Administration**

If you are a domain administrator the following functions can be performed:

- Add or remove an account
- Manage the account settings
- Reset the password for an account
- Manage quota sizes

To access the Domain Administration functions you must log into the CalMail "Manage My Account" system using your /primary/ login. This may not be the same as your cnmat account login. After login, click the "Domain Management" link which appears in the menu on the left-hand side.

**Adding a New Account**

1) A domain administrator must add the CalNet UID to the list of authorized UIDs. The CalNet UID is /not/ the same as the CalNet ID. To find the CalNet UID you must look up the person in the CalNet Directory -- [https://calnet.berkeley.edu/directory/].

2) The user who has been authorized may now go to CalMail and create a new account here: [https://calmail.berkeley.edu/account/create_account]. They will need to authenticate via CalNet ID, and will then be allowed to choose a user name for the account.

Note that when logging into CalMail to manage or retrieve mail for a departmental domain, you must provide the full e-mail address under User Name, e.g., johndoe@cnmat.berkeley.edu.