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Book page


I followed a circuitous path to this degree, and it would not have been possible without the tremendous support and guidance of the dissertation committee members. Since I met Professor David Wessel, he has been a wonderful friend, colleague, and mentor, as well as a fellow avid music buff. When I left physics in 1994 and was casting about in search of a career, he graciously took me on and introduced me to many exciting new ideas. It was his consistently innovative vision that led to the construction and execution of this interdisciplinary program. As is the case with his direction of the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), my degree program exemplifies Professor Wessel's extraordinary ability to create novel, nurturing environments for new kinds of research. I am extremely fortunate and grateful to have enjoyed the benefits of his brilliance and generosity.

Book page

1. Introduction

The fundamental claim of this thesis is that music perception and cognition are embodied activities. This means that they depend crucially on the physical constraints and enablings of our sensorimotor apparatus, and also on the sociocultural environment in which our music-listening and -producing capacities come into being. This claim shows a strong similarity to that of John Blacking (1973), who wrote, "Music is a synthesis of cognitive processes which are present in culture and in the human body: the forms it takes, and the effects it has on people, are generated by the social experiences of human bodies in different cultural environments." (Blacking 1973: 89) I shall present some further evidence in its support, by showing how exemplary rhythms of certain kinds of music may relate to such embodied processes. I shall argue that rhythm perception and production involve a complex, whole-body experience, and that much of the structure found in music incorporates an awareness of the embodied, situated role of the participant. The claim that music perception and cognition are embodied activities also means that they are actively constructed by the listener, rather than passively transferred from performer to listener. In particular, the discernment of entities such as pulse and meter from a given piece of music are not perceptual inevitabilities for any human being, but are strongly dependent on the person s culturally contingent listening strategies. In addition, I argue that certain kinds of rhythmic expression in what I shall call groove-based music are directly related not only to the role of the body in music-making, but also to certain cultural aesthetics that privilege this role.

Book page

2) Filter Practice

This page discusses various practical filter implementations that a musician might use. This includes:

Hardware and hardware emulation

  • Graphic Equalizers
  • Parametric Equalizers
  • Equalizers on Mackie Mixers
  • Equalizers on Yamaha Digital Mixers

Filters in Max/MSP/Jitter

  • biquad~ and filtergraph~
  • cascade~
  • peqbank~
  • svf~
  • reson~
  • resonators~
  • allpass~
  • comb~
  • teeth~
  • lores~
  • onepole~
  • buffir~
  • fftb~

Filters in Plugins

Book page

3) Filter Theory

This page goes into more depth about what actually happens with digital filters. This is going to go over my head (mz), but is worth having around, for reference.



Time-domain Filters are Delays

An example of averaging a data stream as a simple low pass filter.

Specific filters

FIR and IIR - what does that mean?

Book page

5) Filter Bibliography

This page should tie into our main bibliography and links pages, listing papers, books, and online resources relivant to the topic.

Book page


Parking in front of the garage and in the driveway is reserved for staff.

Additional parking is available on campus lots. ($$)

Street parking is for 2 hours only. Beware the parking enforcement.

Do not block the sidewalk!

Book page


We will survey sensor types covered include:
resistive, position, inertial, capacitive, RF, ultrasound, magnetic and optical.

Build sensors from fabric

We will explore the major sensor integration systems, e.g., Make Controller Kit, Arduino, and CUI,

How to adapt existing sensors such as the Nintendo Wii controllers.

Book page

Interactive multitouch hemispherical dome

Build a hemispherical dome version of the idea with a fisheye lens. This has better ergonomy for collaborative use of a surface since you are not bent over a coffee table and can have eye to eye contact with other people around the dome and it could be done on a large scale (e.g. at the exploratorium).
