CNMAT Flashback

A look back at some items in our archives.

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Manage website notifications

Change your website notification preferences by going to "My Account" on the left, then click edit and scroll down to "Email Notifications". Here you can change your preferences to not receive any email notifications, or manage them on a case by case basis.

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Get a notification when a page is updated or commented on

The website can e-mail you when new content is added or a comment is made to a page.

This feature can be enabled from most pages by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, "Subscribe post", or at content-creation type by checking "Subscribe" under the "Subscriptions" tab.


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Save a Draft


- An unpublished node is not viewable to anyone but the author of that node.

- Users can utilize this feature to save nodes of any type as a draft.

#Saving your post as a draft

- If the post is still a draft, uncheck the box next to "Published" under the "Publishing Options" drop-down at the bottom of the page.

Book page

User Roles

Roles grant functional capabilities to a user, and must be managed by the user administrator.
The permissions granted to a user are the sum of all assigned roles. The authenticated user role is automatic for anyone with a user account and logged in. The anonymous user role is automatic for any visitor without an account or not logged in.

**Current List of Roles:**

anonymous user:

Book page

Update Engaging Music Panel


The Engaging Music Panel contains links to the automatically generated MIC resource page. The terms are arranged hierarchically in four major categories. These categories appear on the left side panel, and once clicked, that category's terms appear on the right.

Book page

Adding a Term to the Website Taxonomy


Only users with certain access privileges are able to edit the taxonomy. Be sure to think carefully about if the new term is really necessary. The website taxonomy is already large, and too many terms can lead to misclassification and confusion.

The complete website taxonomy is located here.


Book page

Changing the Manager of a Group

To change the person listed as the manager of a group, simply edit the group node, then scroll down to the drop-down titled "Authoring Information". Whatever name is in the "Group Manager" field will appear as the manager.

Book page

Archiving Work Done at CNMAT

There are three related use cases for archiving work done at CNMAT:

1. An “exit interview”, where somebody leaving CNMAT makes a record of the work (s)he did here

2. A “project wrap-up”, where we preserve the accomplishments of a project that is now over (e.g., a concert that happened yesterday)

3. Ongoing incremental archiving (e.g., maintenance of our Max/MSP externals)

Book page

CNMAT technical researcher

"Ferris" is a CNMAT researcher with programming skills. He works on multiple simultaneous projects on various machines at home and at CNMAT, as well as supporting older software written by other people. He has working copies of all his software on all of his machines, which he backs up and keeps synchronized entirely through CNMAT’s version control repository.

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Coordinate a Public Concert

The exploration stage involves a search within the CNMAT information infrastructure and external sources for possible dates, performers, venues, and technical resources.

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Grad Student Composer (UC Berkeley)

“Joan” is a graduate student composer in the UC Berkeley music department, interested in learning more about computer music, so a faculty member points her to the website and recommends she look around and see what interests her.

Book page

Joe Public

"Joe" is interested in additive synthesis and he navigates to our Drupal-based web content management platform that organizes a page of all “additive synthesis” work at CNMAT. “Joe” might see the following:

* Scores, software, and audio and video recordings of music composed and/or performed at CNMAT that used additive synthesis.

Book page

Report broken equipment

Suppose a microphone is accidentally broken at a concert. This should be reported in such a way that someone will be notiified, the gear will be marked as not available for reservations, and then when it's fixed that will be noted, the history of the maintenance will be saved, etc.

Book page

Revise a piece of software

exploratory phase: identify the software component and learn its development history.

- svn update
- svn log -v _filename_
- (if necessary) svn diff -r 123:1000 _filename_

Coordination phase:

checking out the latest source code and any required development tools from inventory.

- svn update
- svn checkout _package\_name_

Book page

Tagging of musical compositions

As an example, the node for the piece _Corail_ should have tags indicating all of the following:

+ it is a musical composition
+ it was written by Edmund Campion
+ it was composed in 2000-2001
+ it was composed at CNMAT
+ it is for saxophone
+ it is an interactive real-time piece
+ it uses Max/MSP
+ it uses pitch detection
+ it uses sample playback synthesis
+ it uses live sampling
