**Common Use Case:**

- Creating a special folder for Case Tracker notices

**General Instructions:**

Some messages, but not all, generated by the website will have the return address of "no-reply@cnmat.berkeley.edu". However, filtering based on the return address does not work for the Case Tracker system and thus does not always work. The ideal filter is based on the extended message header (normally not shown in the e-mail client).

The following combination of rules (in pseudo-code) will filter all messages from the CNMAT website:

Header "X-Mailer" EQUALS "Drupal"
Header "Return-Path" CONTAINS "cnmat.berkeley.edu"

**Instructions for Mac OS X Mail:**

1. Select the menu option "Mailbox > New Mailbox...".
2. Name the new mailbox, e.g. "CNMAT Website"
3. Select the menu option "Mail > Preferences" and then the tab "Rules".
4. Click "Add Rule"
1. In Description, enter "CNMAT Website"
2. Select If [ all ] of the following conditions are met

5. Fill out the matching conditions (appearing initially as [ From ] [ Contains ] [ _____ ] (-) (+))
1. Add the custom headers to the list of options:
1. Click on the "From" drop-down and select the last option, "Edit Header List".
2. Click the "+" button.
3. Type "Return-Path".
4. Click the "+" button again.
5. Type "X-Mailer".
6. Press "OK"
2. Add the "Return-Path" matching condition.
1. Click the "From" drop-down and select the option "Return-Path"
2. Retain the setting "Contains" in the next drop down.
3. Enter "cnmat.berkeley.edu" in the blank text area.
3. Add the "X-Mailer" matching condition.
1. Click "+" to create a new matching condition field.
The new line will appear initially as [ Any Recipient ] [ Contains ] [ _____ ] (-) (+)
2. Change "Any Recipient" to "X-Mailer"
3. Change "Contains" to "Is equal to"
4. Enter "Drupal" in the blank text area.
6. Configure the filter action by setting "to mailbox:" to the new mailbox created in step 2.
7. Press "OK"
8. A dialog will prompt asking if you want to apply the rules to open mailboxes. Answer "Yes".