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SDIF Future Work

SDIF Utilities We'd Love People to Write

  • viewers
  • editors
  • converters to/from other common formats
  • sanity checkers
  • Phase continuity checkers
  • Time tag statistics for each stream: uniformity of time sampling, max,
    min, average inter-frame intervals, etc.
  • Interpolators: add new frames to an SDIF file by interpolating between
    (or ex
Book page

Self-documenting code with doxygen

  • Using doxygen to produce self-documenting source code.
  • Install doxygen I had trouble with the Mac OS X version--the interface seems to need some work (9/2008), so I suggest installing from source. Download the source code and the, using the terminal

    cd /path/to/doxygen
    sudo make install

    With the most current development tools, the code should compile cleanly.
Book page

Goals of SDIF

Goals of SDIF

SDIF was designed with multiple goals in mind. Sometimes these goals
have been somewhat at odds with each other and we have been forced to be
clear about what is most important about the SDIF effort.

Interchange Format

Book page

Accessing an MSP buffer~

Define a global t_symbol called ps_buffer:

t_symbol *ps_buffer;

Do this in the main function:

void main(void){
ps_buffer = gensym("buffer~");

This function should convert a buffer name into an actual buffer:

t_buffer* _sym_to_buffer(t_symbol* s) {
 t_buffer *b;

Book page

Drivers and Installation

# Remove any existing drivers:

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/sky2_multi.kext
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/RboxAudioDriver.kext
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/Meyer120AudioDriver.kext
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/DodecAudioDriver.kext
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/TouchpadAudioDriver.kext

Book page

Telematic (remote) rehearsals and concerts

Here are some basic instructions for setting up a "Telematic" (remote) rehearsal/performance using AULab and the AUNetSend/Receive Audio Unit plugins.

  1. Get a copy of AULab: it comes with the Developer tools from Apple, but you may be able to download it separately. It should include the AUNet* plugins--you shouldn't have to download them separately.
Book page

Programming Boot Modification

The programming boot for the BTE hearing aid was modified to support simultaneous programming and direct audio input.


A small hole is drilled into the side of the boot.


A pair of wires carrying the audio input are soldered directly to the internal connectors.


Binaural DAI + Reprogramming.

Book page


TASCAM US-122L audio interface
PreSonus headphone amplifier
2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
OSX 10.5.5

Book page

Level Calibration

Digital "SPL" reference:

The full-scale sinusoid is considered 120 dB SPL.
SPL meters are not weighted (e.g. A, C, etc). (@todo)
Music files are normalized to 72 dB SPL, and about 30 seconds long, and extracted from the "loudest part" of the music selection.

Book page

MaxMSP Setup


- Put the maxlib- folder into the MaxMSP path
e.g. Cycling '74 directory), or add it to the path (Options > File Preferences)
*Note that very long paths may be problematic in MaxMSP's buggy file opener.
An error, e.g. "can't open" in the Max status window means bad things
- Open main patch, exp/ui/comp_interface_16b.

DSP settings:

- 44.1 khz

Book page

Labyrint, for saxophone and orchestra

I started writing _Labirynt_ while I was on a Fulbright grant in Poland. The spelling is polish, although
the word is ancient. In retrospect though, it seems to be a very American piece. I also started with the
idea of not writing a concerto, but rather a piece for soloist and orchestra that was more cooperative.
But, oftentimes compositions go their own ways.

Book page

FACE project (French-American exchange)

A three-year project involving CNMAT/Music Dept./UC Berkeley and the Centre National de Création Musicale (CIRM), the Conservatoire National de Région de Nice (CNR), and the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA). The scope of the documentation will include text, photos and audio samples from participating student annd faculty composers.
