A look back at some items in our archives.
# Your assignment
## Sound
Play with the patches we have provided for making envelopes with line~ and adsr~ to get a feel for amplitude envelopes, and make yourself a collection of amplitude envelopes that you like.
# Ideas
A common and powerful method of control is grouping messages together into lists, and storing lists in collections to be played back, like a musical score. Methods of creating an playing scores will be discussed.
Also, as projects get more complex, it becomes useful to organize one's patches. Two useful tools are: Sub-patchers and Abstractions.
# Topics
- lists in message boxes: variables
- lists with pack and unpack
- collections
- encapsulating
- abstractions: variables
# Ideas
Max is a graphical programming where messages are passed between objects using patch cords. Today's lecture begins with the mode of interacting with the Max environment (locked/unlocked, patching/presentation). It moves on types (ints, floats, symbols, lists, audio, matrix) of messages, and how they can be formed and transmitted. Basic debugging techniques are addressed.
- navigating the patcher window
- messages and objects
- getting help
- data types
- file paths and the file browser
# Your assignment
Play with the additive synthesizer instrument we have provided (named simple-additive~) to get a feel for additive synthesis.
Play with the slide show patch we have provided, named "simple-slideshow."
simple-sequencer demonstrates the concepts of playing a score, or a timed list of cues. Currently it "plays" each note by printing a list in the Max window.
# What we have provided
- "percussion-buffers", a small patch which reads nine percussion sound files into nine buffers.
- "simple-sampler~", a straightforward sample-playback synthesis patch based on play~. There is also a help patch that shows how to use simple-sampler~.
- "simple-draw.maxhelp" draws triangles, squares, and circles into an LCD object.
# Your assignment
Using the audio and visual patches provided, build a four voice poly-rhythmic metronome.
Hint: Use the metro object.
Friday Lab
#When, where, who
- The workshop runs July 14-18, 11 AM-4 PM (Lecture 11-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-4)
- CNMAT is located at 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA
- Instructors: [cnmat:node/509|Michael Zbyszynski] and other experienced Max/MSP/Jitter teachers
The workshop will be held in the Main Room at CNMAT.
Live processing
by Vijay S. Iyer
# Teacher
Andrew Benson
email: andrewb [at] cycling74 [dot] com
AIM screen-name: cloudmachine99
Jitter is an extension to Max that allows flexible generation and manipulation of video, matrix, and 3D graphics data.
Max/MSP/Jitter is a graphical environment for music, audio, and multimedia that runs on both Macintosh (OSX) and Windows XP platforms.
# Hardware Setup:
- Components:
- Icosahedron
- Ethernet cable and female-to-female extender
- Word-clock sync cable and female-to-female extender/junction
- Firewire cable
- Rimas box
- Beamserver (mac mini)
- Power supply
- RangeArray sensor
- Pole mount
# Setup Proceedure
1. Connect Icosahedron to gigabit ethernet switch
Internal sensor data arrives as input audio channels from the icosadehron.
# Current
Audio channel #1; multiply by factor 6.0 to get power utilization in amps.
Username and password are synchronized to the CNMAT website login. Access requires membership in the "Research - Spatial Audio" group.
Checkout software from subversion:
svn co https://cnmat.berkeley.edu/svn/repository/spatialaudio
View online:
[cnmat:node/6053|Giuseppe Arcimboldo]
[cnmat:node/6054|Giocomo Balla]
[cnmat:node/6055|Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis]
[cnmat:node/6056|Theo van Doesburg]
[cnmat:node/6057|Marcel Duchamp]
[cnmat:node/6058|Wassily Kandinsky]
[cnmat:node/6059|Frantisek Kupka]
[cnmat:node/6060|Paul Klee]
[cnmat:node/6061|Étienne-Jules Marey]
[cnmat:node/6062|Laszlo Moho
Acquiring a New Musical System
Psyche Loui
B.S. (Duke University) 2003
A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
in the
Graduate Division
of the
University of California, Berkeley
An experiment which explores settings of a multiband compressor using a 2d-interpolation user interface.
This technological proof-of-concept demonstrated a real hearing aid reprogrammable in realtime using 2d interpolation over presets. The hearing aid is the Starkey Labs behind-ear type, programmed through a HI-PRO interface.
Open Sound Control was used to link the user interface (implemented with MaxMSP) to the HI-PRO.
- Significant time requirement to program hearing aid prohibits full-rate interactive reprogramming. HI-PRO is ~ 2400 baud.