Here are some basic instructions for setting up a "Telematic" (remote) rehearsal/performance using AULab and the AUNetSend/Receive Audio Unit plugins.

  1. Get a copy of AULab: it comes with the Developer tools from Apple, but you may be able to download it separately. It should include the AUNet* plugins--you shouldn't have to download them separately.
  2. Open AULab and select the number of inputs and outputs from the configuration window that pops up. You should end up with a window with the number of input and output tracks you selected.
  3. Add a "generator" track with AUNetReceive selected as the Generator for each source that you would like to receive from. For example, if you're working with one person at Stanford and another at UCSD, you'll want two generator tracks.
  4. Add a "bus" track--this track will host the AUNetSend plugin to send audio out to the other people you're working with.
  5. At the top of each generator track, there is a small black and white button that says "AU".
    Click this button and you'll get a window which lists the available sources to receive from. You will most likely see only one source called AUNetSend with a green dot next to it--this is yourself listed via bonjour.
  6. Click the "+" button at the lower left of the window and add a new account. The name you choose will be displayed in the list of hosts. The ip address should be the ip address of the remote host you want to listen to (i.e. if you are at CNMAT and you're playing with Mark Dresser at UCSD, you should enter Mark's ip address). The port is the port number the remote host is sending audio data out on.
  7. In the "bus" track, click the first effects dropdown menu and select Apple:AUNetSend.
  8. In the window that pops up, enter the port that you would like to send data out of. At CNMAT there is no problem with any firewalls as long as you are connected to the landline, but your mileage may vary with AirBears. If you're doing this elsewhere, you may have to speak to the sysadmin to open the appropriate port. Press connect.
  9. If there is a god in heaven, you should be connected. It can take up to a few minutes for things to connect, in which case you'll see "connecting" in either of the two configuration windows you were just working with. Once they say "connected" you should be hearing sound from the remote host. In the case that you have to troubleshoot the connection, start by saving the AULab file and restarting AULab. You should also make sure that you're actually connected to the internet(!). If you're not too afraid of the terminal, you might use tcpdump to see if data is being sent to and from the proper places (I'll try to document what this should look like in the future).