CNMAT's Windows box is a Dell Dimension 4500. It's name is "Perotin", IP address It's currently located in Andy's office on the bottom floor. The CPU is sitting on the floor near the door. The console is currently wired through a Belkin KVM switch to the Logitech trackball, Dell keyboard, and Dell LCD monitor on Andy's desk; the second button from the top selects the Windows box.
To get an account, find somebody who already has an account to log in. "After you log on, you can add or change accounts. Just go to Control Panel and click User Accounts."
I (Matt Wright) do everything via Cygwin. I have an alias to it on my desktop, which I just double click. Otherwise, under "Start" > "All Programs" there's a "Cygwin" folder that contains "Cygwin Bash Shell". From bash you can type Unix commands such as "svn", "make" and "cd". Cygwin makes the Windows file system visible to the Unix-like shell as /cygdrive/c --- I keep my SVN working directory there (under the folder corresponding to my Windows desktop) so I can see it from the Windows environment if necessary (i.e., to test newly built externals by opening them in Max).
To compile and release a CNMAT Max/MSP external for Windows with GCC:
- Go to the working directory (using the Unix shell's wonderful tab completion feature)
- svn update
- Go to the directory for this specific external
- make win
- Note that "make win" created the .def file automatically, so you don't have to make your own. (And in particular, don't check one into Subversion.)
- Hope to see that "zip" built an archive and that there were no errors (besides "Ignore the following error message: make: *** [version.h] Error 1")
- Fix any such errors and make win again.
- Test your external
- svn commit
- make win-release
- Log off (which of course can be found under the "Start" menu on Windows