A look back at some items in our archives.
letter2num-list is a utility that allows you to convert alphabet-based lists into integer-based lists.
This is useful in situations where you'd like to present a user interface whereby letters are entered and the corresponding numbers can be used for your internal patch system.
Both versions of audition-and-decide are meant to serve as exams created by a max programmer / administrator of said exams.
The quiz format differs slightly between versions, and consists of various questions relating to sonic descriptors the user answers. In so doing, they explore the sound collection.
Here is a summary of the obligatory requirements to create your own exam:
list-inc is simply an incrementing list of size n. You use it by passing an int into the object which generates a list of that length. The list increments from an offset specified by the argument, or by passing in the offset message. BANG outputs the list again.
multichannel_player is a bpatcher module that allows you to map n channels to m speakers using any configuration you'd like.
Simply edit a collection textfile (coll object format) with your audio files and fill out the arguments.
Example syntax for coll file:
1, somefile01.aif;
2, somefile21.aif;
3, somefile11.aif;
Preview a folder of sounds for playback. You can choose from a menu, by id, or at random. Set gain for individual sounds to be played back with and repeat played of chosen soundfiles.
Specifies an offset of directories to pop up from the current patch's directory. An argument of zero outputs the current patch's directory.
A quick way to store and recall slots. Basically a drop in replacement for the preset object, with some enhancements.
Use this is an object prototype for quick access in building and/or testing the functionality of a patch.
This helpful abstraction takes an input list of beat durations and converts it to the appropriate amount of spaces for n-beats. The first beat in the list is the event, then the next (n-1) beats (if applicable), are non events, or resets. Consequentially, the output list's length is equivalent to the summed amount of beat durations...
Send stereo signals into this abstraction for LR output. This patch is meant to be used as a bpatcher that you copy (from the help file) and paste into your patch.
It contains two gain~ sliders which scale the incoming signals exponentially.
You can also add it as a bpatcher prototype so that you don't have to re-patch your audio outputs every time you create a new patcher file.
This abstraction takes a single integer (base 10) and randomly selects one of its digits for output.
harmonics is a utility that generates n harmonics above a given fundamental, as a list.
The arguments are and .
Computes the standard deviation of a list of elements.
Violoncello and Electronics
Alone in a Crowded Room
a situation for solo alto flute and live electronics
Michael Ferriell Zbyszynski
My musical interests in Alone in a Crowded Room are twofold. Electronically, I am exploring macroscopic and microscopic processes in the time domain. At the same time, I am engaged with the physical reality of the alto flute and by extension, the flautist.
a phasor~-based metronome
1750 Arch Street
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 643 9990 Voice
(510) 642 7918 Fax
We are located just north of the UC Berkeley main campus on Arch Street,
one block above Hearst.
Although we welcome visits, round the clock activity in our studios,
laboratories and performance space precludes unscheduled surprises. Please
contact our administrator to set up appointments.
The campus maintains
transit information for the area. Detailed, specific directions are
Events view
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"The most consistent influence," Richard Felciano has written about his life, "is that of my childhood in a small northern California community with substantial Japanese and Portuguese populations. From these groups I learned a sense of ritual, of structure, of awe, and of music as a social function....The reality of the world to me is East and West, stasis and dynamism, meditation and dialectic. It is also what California is - the edge where the two meet."
Works addressing acoustical or electro-acoustical issues by Richard Felciano
Orchestral Music:
Camp Songs for chamber orchestra
Concerto for Organ and Orchestra
Galactic Rounds for orchestra
Mutations for Orchestra
Overture Concertante for clarinet and orchestra
Symphony for string orchestra
My work in electronic music began in the early sixties, as a part of
the San Francisco Tape Music Center with Morton Subotnick, Ramon Sender
and Pauline Oliveros. Possibly the most formative experience came in 1967-8
as the composer-member of a resident five-artist group at the National Center
for Experiments in Television, established by the Rockefeller Foundation