A look back at some items in our archives.
granularly transposes playback from tapin~ buffer
a simple ring-modulator
step sequencer for mz.sawsynth~
monophonic sawtooth wave synth with filter
simple, old-school drum machine
Attractive tabular display of information from SDIF-fileinfo about the streams in an SDIF file.
all the synths in one handy grouping
A demonstration of voice synthesis using harmonics~ to simulate the glottis and resonators~ to simulate the vocal tract.
Based on David Wessel's "migrators" patch, this patch demonstrates control of multiple oscillator banks with OSC Max messages. The user can control wavetables, pitch profiles, and "gaussian blur" for each voice. Presets may be saved and recalled with pattr.
Quickly sets up the internal General MIDI Synthesizer in a traditional orchestra.
A general purpose cue player for pieces including instrument and "tape" where the tape part might be several different cues as several different audio files.
Lets the user create, edit, and record phrases base on sets of samples.
some ways to visualize audio signal with (and without) jitter
A standalone, 8-track recorder, with or without nixie tubes
Handy calculations for computer music.
tutor for sprintf syntax and uses
sends a bang to all loadbangs
"set" message: theory and practice
Beginning Max users see the manual with a couple hundred max objects and get intimidated. But this is like trying to learn English by looking at the Oxford Unabridged Dictionary. In fact", most of those 200 objects are special-purpose, or could be programmed with a few more "primitive" objects.
objects that reassign the priority of max messages