A look back at some items in our archives.
list_old_extern_versions($filepath, $baseurl, $archivepath, $archiveurl);
Most users will want to download the Everything package for their platform. This package must be extracted and its location added to the MaxMSP search path. It is also possible to download individual items, however these are all contained in the Everything package.
All downloads are Copyright 1996- by their respective authors. All rights reserved. Most objects will report copyright and version information in response to the 'version' message on the first inlet.
Older Versions:
We no longer release objects in the CFM binary format for versions of MaxMSP prior to 4.5. The last package created of CFM objects can be obtained here. Objects for Mac OS9 are found here.
We are no longer supporting the Max 4 file format in the CNMAT MMJ Depot. The last Max 4 release can be found here (version 1.56).
People involved at CNMAT are from a wide range of disciplines and are drawn together by their common interest in exploring the world of music. The principals are specialists in musical composition, musical psychoacoustics and computer science.
- Protocol and encoding development including Open Sound Control (OSC) and the Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF)
- New sensor technologies and interface modalities: sensor fusion, integration.
- New sense-enabled media: conductive/resistive fibre, malleable media.
- eTextile, conductive paper and other materials for the New Lutherie
The CNMAT Controller Library is a diverse collection of gesture controllers representative of the last 100 years of devices used for musical control.
CNMAT is a part of the music department at the University of California at Berkeley. The University provides our three story building on beautiful grounds overlooking the Golden Gate bridge and San Francisco bay. Professors from the University run the center and lead the teaching efforts here. The University has also been generous in providing funding for a small number of staff while the center works on developing an endowment.
CNMAT Externals objects for Max & MSP: |
Selected Research Publications from CNMAT from 1989 to the Present
Areas of Research include:
[We will discuss what goes here]
[ Mark content for discussion ]
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. It was first developed at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies by Adrian Freed, Mathew Wright, and others.
OSC has achieved wide use in fields including computer-based new interfaces for musical expression, wide-area and local-area networked distributed music systems, inter-process communication, and within single applications.
ADKOM (A Different Kind of Measure) (2001-present)
Roberto Morales, Cenzontle
Skilled improvisers are able to shape in real time a music discourse by continuously modulating pitch, rhythm, tempo and loudness to communicate high-level information such as musical structures and emotion.