A look back at some items in our archives.
Snap to Grid is used for adding randomness to a list of numbers, making a preset "grid, " making harmonic series, and creating lydian chromatic scales. Useful for tuning bell sounds to a chord, or randomizing amplitudes.
smooth-biquad~ is just like biquad~ except that new coefficient updates are "smoothed" to avoid clicks and other undesirable artifacts: the object linearly interpolates the coefficients from the old value to the new value over one MSP signal processing vector.
Additive synthesis with a bank of (optionally bandwidth-enhanced) sinusoidal oscillators
Find ranges of data in an SDIF-buffer
Write data from a Max list into an SDIF-buffer
Extract "tuples" of data (a list of values for each column) from an SDIF-buffer and concatenate them to form a Max list.
Publications: [cnmat:node/2324|ICMC99 paper]
report overall info about an SDIF-buffer
Publications: [cnmat:node/2324|ICMC99 paper]
Read info about SDIF streams from an SDIF file
Store SDIF data in Max's memory and make it accessible to other objects.
Publications: [cnmat:node/2324|ICMC99 paper]
Roughness estimate based on Richard Parncutt's algorithm.
Shepard tone (infinite glissando) synthesis
Perform the discrete wavelet transform (dwt) on a signal.
Computes a running average of the input
Resonance and sinusoidal Model Display and Editing
Set of basic transformations for resonance models
Random number generator with over 30 statistical distributions.
Really print everything about what comes in the inlet
Bank of biquad filters in series with analog-like control parameters based on shelving or parametric EQ (or low-level control in the biquad coefficient domain)
Publications: [cnmat:node/2231|ICMC99 paper]
Oscillator bank that can read waveform from a buffer~
Opposite of OSC-route: prepends bits of OSC addresses to existing OSC messages