Edmund Campion: Human / Expression / Emotion / Technology / Machine / Me
Prof. Edmund Campion, Director of CNMAT, will be delivering a talk at BAMPFA on November 3, 2022 at 12:45pm as part of the Arts + Design Thursdays speaker series. The talk is free and open to the public and will also be live streamed via the web.
Edmund Campion came of age in the 1970's, a time when recording technologies and new electronic music instruments were transforming the way musicians make and perform music. In this discussion, the Director of Berkeley's Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) traces a recurring story of human/technology disruptions that continue to upend and transform music and music making up to our current moment.
Edmund Campion is currently Professor of Music Composition and Director at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies at the University of California, Berkeley. Campion’s music explores relationships between sound and space—creations that often involve the careful mixing of acoustic instruments with emerging computer technologies. He has been active as performing artist, composer, software developer and collaborating artist for over 25 years.