In the Moment: Women Composers of the 21st Century
[|ONI BUCHANAN], piano


- Orizzonte -- Missy Mazzoli (b. 1984)
- from Hierosgamos: Studies in Harmony and Resonance -- Cindy Cox (b. 1961)
III. Sonorous
IV. Meditative, Still
V. Playful, but driven
- Set of two salsa pieces
Tumbáo -- Tania Léon (b. 1943)
Cónclave -- Adina Izarra (b. 1959)
- Throbbing Still -- Joan Tower (b. 1938)
- Interaction -- Mei-Fang Lin (b. 1973)
- The Wanton Brutality of a Tender Touch -- Annie Gosfield (b. 1960)
- The blackbird whistling/Or just after -- Cindy Cox

Concert pianist ONI BUCHANAN has performed solo recitals throughout the U.S. and abroad, in major U.S. cities including New York, Boston, Cambridge, Chicago, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo, Hartford, Cleveland, Dayton, Baton Rouge, Montgomery, Burlington, Wilmington, Norfolk, Columbia, Macon, Augusta, and many more, as well as international cities including Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Brasilia, BRAZIL and Guelph, Waterloo, and Thunder Bay, ONTARIO.

Oni received her Master’s degree in piano performance from the New England Conservatory of Music, her Bachelor’s degree in music from the University of Virginia, and conducted three years of her music studies at the University of Iowa School of Music while pursuing an M.F.A. in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her teachers have included Russell Sherman, Stephen Drury, Daniel Epstein, Patricia Zander, Uriel Tsachor, and Mimi Tung. In addition, she studied at the Aspen Music Festival in the studios of Joseph Kalichstein and Gabriel Chodos, and has been an active participant and performer in the New England Conservatory Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice (SICPP).

In addition to her music degrees, Oni Buchanan holds a B.A. in English from the University of Virginia and an M.F.A. in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Oni’s second poetry book, Spring, selected by Mark Doty as a winner of the 2007 National Poetry Series, was also a Poetry Honors winner in the 2009 Massachusetts Book Awards. Her first book of poems, What Animal, won the University of Georgia Press Contemporary Poetry Series competition (chosen by Fanny Howe), and was published in October 2003. Oni’s poems are featured in several anthologies including The Best American Poetry 2004 and Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century, and have been published in numerous journals across the country, including Conduit, New Orleans Review, Copper Nickel, Columbia Poetry Review, Seneca Review, and Gulf Coast. A Flash version of Oni Buchanan’s kinetic poem “The Mandrake Vehicles” is on permanent display at the Conduit website, and she is currently at work on a large-scale interactive poem videogame, on which she is collaborating with composer and bassist Lisa Mezzacappa.

Oni lives in Boston, where she maintains a private piano teaching studio. Her discography includes three solo piano CDs on the independent Velvet Ear Records label. For more information, please visit her website at

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Saturday, April 10, 2010, 4:00am to 6:00am