- The workshop runs July 21-25, 6-9 pm (and typically later)
- CNMAT is located at 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA
- Instructors: Ali Momeni and guest lecturers
- Fee: $500
- Click the Sign up link above to reserve a space
# <a href=http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/library/max_msp_jitter_depot/2008_max_msp_nigh... syllabus here.</a>
This year's night school will not cover the basics of Max/MSP programming -- students should already be experienced with Max/MSP. The course focuses on the use of Max for control of complex interactive systems. Emphasis is placed on areas of active research and interest at CNMAT, including:
- Max 5: features, changes and advances
- real-time performance with computer based instruments
- probablistic approaches in interactive instruments
- gestural controllers (e.g. Wacom, Continuum, Tactex, Thunder, Lemur, etc.)
- rapid prototyping of gesture based instruments and accompanying real-time software in Max/MSP
- complex gesture-to-sound mappings techniques, including interpolators, neural networks and physical models
- gestural controllers
- many approaches to treatment of time and rhythm
- data-management
- advanced list and matrix processing
- advanced network applications with Max (e.g. ftp, http, POST/GET, ....)
- inter-system communication with OpenSoundControl
- intra-patch communication with OpenSoundControl
- analysis/resynthesis using additive and resonance models
- the SDIF file format
- complexity management in Max/MSP/Jitter
- reliability and robustness of concert-ready patches
- connecting Max to other software environments (e.g. Java, JavaScript, VST, MySQL, python, Ableton, Native Instruments...)
A variety of materials and resources will be provided to course participants, including copies of all the programming examples provided in the course, references to large sets of 3rd party externals, and references to a wide range of research topics in the field. After completing this course, a student will have been exposed to most of the uses of Max/MSP in current CNMAT music production and research. Graduates of this course will have a variety of techniques for avoiding trouble while developing large-scale, concert-ready Max/MSP programs.
For more information on Max/MSP and Jitter, visit the [http://www.cycling74.com/|Cycling74] web site.
To learn more about CNMAT's ongoing Max work, visit the [http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/library/max_msp_jitter_depot|Max/MSP/Jitter Depot] on our web site.
For information on housing, contact the [http://conferenceservices.berkeley.edu/summer_visitor.html|UC Berkeley Summer Visitor Housing] office for information on availability of rooms on campus: (510) 642-4444