WIGband SELECTIONS and WIGGIE AWARD honoring filmmaker Helen Prince
Three decades of protest and bad behavior in wigs, song and video
The notorious twosome known as WIGband, Barbara Golden and Johanna Poethig, the demimondaine/underbelly of the Bay Area contemporary music scene in a rare performance at CNMAT. They will sing a selection of their original classics from the Reagan Years, Bush Senior / Clinton Decade to the painfully present but almost over Millenium George.
Vintage footage by Helen Prince, including Trashy Girls, Its Hard to be Perfect and Silver Abs and Golden Buns, the renowned exercise video shown regularly on middle of the night cable TV, will delight audiences again along with songs “Just Say Yes”, “Paranoia” and “Don’t F---- With Me”.
".... if you are looking for some fun with a bite to it presented by some serious artists who don't take themselves too seriously, then check them out.."
Linda Erlich SF Bay Guardian