<strong>Max/MSP Day School (for beginners to intermediate users)</strong>
<em>July 16-20, 11 AM -4 PM (Lecture 11-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-4)</em>
<strong>Location: </strong>
CNMAT, 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA
<strong>Instructors: </strong>
Michael Zbyszynski and other experienced Max/MSP teachers
<strong>Fee: </strong>
<strong>Requirements: </strong>
Must bring your own laptop computer (Mac or PC) with Max/MSP installed and running.
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Max/MSP is a graphical environment for music, audio, and multimedia that runs on both Macintosh (OSX) and Windows XP.
In use worldwide for over fifteen years by performers, composers, artists, teachers, and students, Max/MSP is the way to make your computer do things that reflect your individual ideas and dreams.
This intensive week of hands-on classes covers the basics of Max/MSP programming, including the following:
- Navigating the Max/MSP user interface
- Max/MSP work flow: organizing multi-file projects, the Max search path, where to save things
- Max's data types: messages, bangs, integers, floats, and lists
- Structure and interpretation of Max programs: objects, timing, patchers and abstractions
- Signals and basic signal processing
- Basics of DSP: sampling, aliasing, amplitude, the frequency spectrum
- Avoiding unwanted clicks
- Sample playback, FM, additive, and granular synthesis
- Delay lines and looping
- Filtering
- Mixing event processing and signal processing
- Dealing with input from MIDI, the mouse and keyboard, USB devices, and Ethernet
- Managing multidimensional data with the coll object
The workshop will be held in the Main Room at CNMAT. Each day will include a brief lecture-style presentation introducing important concepts and a variety of hands-on programming projects based on these concepts. Each day's basic afternoon lab assignment will solidify students' understanding of the most important ideas; additional projects will also be available for faster or more advanced students. Experienced teaching assistants will be available to answer questions during the afternoon sessions.
After completing this course, students will be able to write Max programs that synthesize and/or process sound in response to real-time control and/or simple algorithmic musical processes. Graduates of this course will also have the skills to read and understand larger Max/MSP programs and the foundation for exploring more advanced features of Max via tutorials, help patches, and online documentation.
NOTE: Participants are required to bring their own laptops with Max/MSP already installed and running. (Mac OSX or Windows XP) Also, participants are strongly advised to have gone through the Max and MSP tutorials before the workshop.