- review of previous day and assignments
- data storage and recall - i/f/zl/coll
- more on data visualization
- new gui objects
- models of working
- patching session
#Lab (1-2:30)
- patching session
#BREAK (2:30-3)
#Afternoon Session: Gesture Input and Actuators (3-5)
- Built-in, low hanging fruit sensors: http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2008/07/21/Freesensors
- MIDI keyboards and controllers (Behringer)
- Gamepad and other HID controllers (via HI object)
- Tablets, Wiimote (via Osculator and Glove PI)
- Game console controllers via USB adapters
- OSC interfaces (Making Things)
- DIY intro. Maxuino and Oscuino
#DINNER (5-6)
#Advanced Class (6-8:30)
- DIY control surfaces with paper and fabric
- odot gesture signal processing (time permitting)