+ Thursday: CNMAT, Sofware, Tools, Resources
- Guest: John MacCallum and Andy Schmeder (CNMAT)
+ CNMAT Tools part 1
- see CNMAT's downloads page and the Max/MSP/Jitter Depot
- see CNMAT's Spectral Tutorials by mzed
- OpenSoundControl
- sinusoids~
- resonators~
- aLib
+ CNMAT Approaches (aLib)
- for lists, for streams, for colls (i.e. practical)
- for pitches (musical)
- for beats (beats, rhythm and timing inside max)
- interpolators (pattr interpolation, space interpolators)
- Java and Javascript inside Max/MSP/Jitter
- Max and Other applications
+ Other Max/MSP Resources
- Max/MSP/Jitter Discussions List
+ 3rd Party Externals
- maxobjects.com
- Nathanael Lecaude: Max Toolbox
- Tim Place: Tap.Tools
- Peter Elsea: Lobjects (for list processing)
- Dan Trueman/Luke Dubois: PeRColate (broken in Max 5as of 7/25/2008
- Jean-Marc Pelleti: cv.jit
- Cyrille Henry: pmpd
- Nicholas D'Alessandro: MaxMBROLA
- Karlheinz Essl: RTC
- Jasch: Jasch tools
- Nao Tokui: slice~, markov
- IRCAM: jimmies, bennies
- www.akustische-kunst.org
- Tristan Jehan/CNMAT: Analyzer~
- Eric Lyon: FFTease
- Todor Todoroff: iana~
- Java Music
- Windows dll files : put them next to the Max application itself