+ Monday: Programming Max/MSP/Jitter
- Intro
- Who is Max?
+ Who made Max?
- David Zicarelli
- Miller Puckette
- What Ali Momeni does with Max?
- Why Max? Control.
- Our Approach this week:
+ Lecture/Workshop: Patch along, but at your own risk
+ Patches made during the week, uploaded nightly
+ BBQs on Tuesday and Friday, party on Saturday at The Barn @ Two Willow Multimedia (public transit is possible).
+ Project based course: Our controller for the weak: iPhone / iPod Touch + Mrmr or MAW.mrmr.
- Data Flow
- Data Types
+ "Learn Max/MSP in 24 hours"
+ Objects, Messages, Data Flow and Order of events
- bang
- message
- object
- comment
- trigger
- gate / switch
- select / route / OSC-route
- counter
+ Data Storage
- multislider
- collection
- table
- buffer~
- jit.matrix
+ Arithmetic
- +, -, *, /, !+, !-, !/, %,
- scale/zmap
- function
- expr
+ Timing
- delay
- metro
- qlist
+ Communication in patches
- patch cords
- send/receive
- send~/receive~
- route / OSC-route
- pvar
+ List Processing
- zl
- mxj list
- Lobjects
+ The Max/MSP/Jitter Environment
- object attributes
- object prototypes
- clippings
- file browser
- presentationmode
+ Other Max essentials:
- pattrstorage
- MaxToolbox
+ Using a gestural controller with Max: the iPhone/iPod Touch
- OSC and control communication over UDP
- Big Patch: pattr mapping-interpolater oscilators with the function object