Ritwik Banerji: Dr. Maxine diagnoses, (treats, again attempts to diagnose...)
Andrés Cremisini: Mercedes
Matthew Goodheart: Metal Work
Amadeus Regucera: Base.Mat.1.1 - Coitus_More_Ferarum
Ian Saxton: Batholith
Dan VanHassel: Untitled

Ritwik Banerji
Dr. Maxine diagnoses, (treats, again attempts to diagnose...)
Ritwik Banerji is a graduate student in ethnomusicology at UC Berkeley. His work explores the ethical and aesthetic values of “free” improvisers. This project centers around the development of a software-based interactive musical agent known as “Maxine.” Through her interactions with free improvisers, conversations emerge dealing with the real-time socio-aesthetic nature of improvised music.

Andrés Cremisini
Andrés Cremisini is a composer and instrumentalist from Caracas, Venezuela. He received a bachelor's in music composition from the University of Miami, where he studied primarily with Lansing McLoskey and Scott Stinson. In 2009 he was commissioned by the Miami Symphony Orchestra, subsequently winning the University of Miami's "concerto competition" for the same work. His pieces have been performed in the United States and Italy. In 2011 he joined the graduate composition program at the University of California, Berkeley where he is a Eugene Cota-Robles Fellow. His interests include music cognition, performance practice, and improvisation.

Matthew Goodheart
Metal Work
A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Matthew Goodheart explores a variety of contemporary music forms. His broad foundation, technical innovations, and sensitivity have allowed him to develop a solid reputation as both composer, sound artist, collaborative artist and solo performer. He has toured extensively in the US , Canada, and Europe, has released several recordings under his own name, and appears as a collaborator on several others.

Amadeus Regucera
Base.Mat.1.1 - Coitus_More_Ferarum
Amadeus Julian Regucera is a composer and performer, specializing in contemporary chamber music, whose music has been performed across the country. His interests include notational systems, DIY electronics, the aesthetics and musical applications of noise, and free improvisation.

Ian Saxton
Ian Saxton loves percussion and tolerates computers, sometimes marrying the two in unholy ways. He's in his second year of a doctoral program in Music Composition and Technology at UC Berkeley, and also plays drums in Bay Area bands Cash Pony (progressive psychedelic rock) and Sun Hop Fat (Afro jazz funk). His research interests include: expressive live electronic music controllers, rich visual editors for music information, and parallel audio processing.

Dan VanHassel
Dan VanHassel is a composer and multi-instrumentalist living in the San Francisco Bay Area. His music has been performed across North America, Europe, and Asia by performers such as pianist Keith Kirchoff, Red Fish Blue Fish, Ensemble SurPlus, percussionist Joseph Van Hassel, and saxophonist Michael Straus. Active as a performer, Dan draws influence from his experience performing in rock bands, gamelan orchestras, free jazz groups, and chamber ensembles. Dan is co-director of the Wild Rumpus new music collective in San Francisco and was a founding member of the new music ensemble Agenda, the free-improv group Output, and the composers collective Test Pattern. He has studied composition at Carnegie Mellon University, the New England Conservatory, and the University of California at Berkeley.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012, 4:00am to 6:00am