Composers' Colloquium with Edmund Campion (Co-Director, CNMAT)
February, 27 3-5 p.m. 125 Morrison Hall
Mere Self-Expression and Other Time-worn Models in My Recent Music.
Edmund Campion, Professor of Music Composition, UC Berkeley, and Co-Director at the The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), presents analysis and perspective on two recent works: Practice, for orchestra and computer and 600 Secondes dans le Vieux Modele for instrumental ensemble. 600 Secondes was commissioned by Radio France and received its premiere with the Zellig Ensemble and Francois Xavier Roth in the 2009 Radio France Presences Festival. Practice, performed by the Nice Philharmonic with Peter Rundel and the Berkeley Symphony with Kent Nagano, will be played this Friday and Saturday evening by the University Symphony in Hertz Hall with conductor David Milnes. "My music is about nothing more than it sounds, but in a post-experimental moment, nothing can escape the labyrinth wherein poetic, historical, and other extra-musical connotations reside."