Orchestral percussionists performing on go-go dancer platforms? DJs
spinning electronica between symphonic sets? Sipping cocktails between
the string quartet and the woodwind quintet? What alternate reality has
taken hold?
That reality is [http://www.mercurysoul.org/|MERCURY SOUL], a groundbreaking event combining a 20-piece
orchestra, DJs, lighting, and art installations in San Francisco‚s hottest
club: Mezzanine. In between groovy sets of trip-hop, old skool, and house
performed by DJ Masonic, Maestro Benjamin Shwartz of the San Francisco
Symphony conducts gripping performances of contemporary classical music.
The program ranges from classic 20th Century heavyweights (Ligeti and
Webern) to up-and-coming composers of today (including UC Berkeley graduate student composer Mason Bates, also
known as Masonic). Threading together the entire evening is the beautiful
visual touch of innovative stage designer Anne Patterson. Don't miss this
unique event!
WHO: DJ Masonic ([http://masonicelectronica.com/|Mason Bates]), Maestro Benjamin Shwartz, artist Anne
WHEN: Friday, February 1st, 9pm-2am
WHERE: Mezzanine (Jessie & Mint Streets)