[http://lilypond.org/web/|LilyPond] is an open-source project that does music typesetting using a TeX-style syntax and similar layout-optimization algorithms. The MusicTheory\`Notation\` subpackage uses LilyPond as a rendering engine to present musical fragments directly in the _Mathematica_ notebook interface. It can also use the LilyPond engine to export high-quality PDF, EPS, MIDI and MusicXML from MusicTheory Score[] objects. Except for the aforementioned features, a LilyPond installation is not required.

The use of notation features from MusicTheory does not require any knowledge of the LilyPond notation syntax.

Presently we recommend the 2.11 version (development branch). Get it [http://lilypond.org/web/install/|here].

MusicTheory\`Notation\` assumes that LilyPond is installed in the /Applications folder. If not, one needs to configure the global variable $LilypondBin prior to importing the Notation subpackage. The default value is:


If you wish to run the 2.10 version or some other version other than the latest, the global variable $LilypondVersion must be defined appropriately. The default value is:
