[http://lilypond.org/web/|LilyPond] is an open-source project that does music typesetting using a TeX-style syntax and similar layout-optimization algorithms. The MusicTheory\`Notation\` subpackage uses LilyPond as a rendering engine to present musical fragments directly in the _Mathematica_ notebook interface. It can also use the LilyPond engine to export high-quality PDF, EPS, MIDI and MusicXML from MusicTheory Score[] objects. Except for the aforementioned features, a LilyPond installation is not required.
The use of notation features from MusicTheory does not require any knowledge of the LilyPond notation syntax.
MusicTheory\`Notation\` assumes that LilyPond is installed in the /Applications folder. If not, one needs to configure the global variable $LilypondBin prior to importing the Notation subpackage. The default value is:
If you wish to run the 2.10 version or some other version other than the latest, the global variable $LilypondVersion must be defined appropriately. The default value is: