Works by CNMAT composers featured at MANCA Festival in Nice, France
The [|MANCA Festival] is an annual International Festival of Contemporary Music organized by [|CIRM/Centre National de Création Musicale] and held in Nice and Monaco. This year's Festival features a number of CNMAT composers, including:
Sunday, November 4: Edmund Campion « Outside music »;
Wednesday, November 7: new works by student composers Aaron Einbond and Gaël Tissot;
Thursday, November 8: a workshop on the new electroacoustic compositions by Einbond and Tissot, coordinated by Michel Pascal of the [|Conservatoire National de Région de Nice];
Saturday, November 10: Edmund Campion « Practice ».
CNMAT and CIRM have an ongoing partnership involving collaborations and exchanges in research, pedagogy, composition and performance of new musical works. Support for our program has come from the UC Berkeley [|France-Berkeley Fund] and the French-American Fund for University Partnerships managed by [|FACE/French-American Cultural Exchange].