Publication Miniature 6-DOF inertial system for tracking HMDs “Miniature 6-DOF inertial system for tracking HMDs”, SPIE Helmet and Head-Mounted Displays III, vol. 3362, 1998.
Publication Perfect Lattices in Euclidean Spaces “Perfect Lattices in Euclidean Spaces”, Springer, 2003.
Publication Drift-free attitude estimation for accelerated rigid bodies “Drift-free attitude estimation for accelerated rigid bodies”, Automatica, vol. 40, pp. 653-659, 2004.
Publication Investigation of the anisotropy of hemi-dodecahedron noise source radiation “Investigation of the anisotropy of hemi-dodecahedron noise source radiation”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 270, pp. 137-147, 2004.
Publication Embedding motion in model-based stochastic tracking “Embedding motion in model-based stochastic tracking”, Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on, vol. 2. 2004.
Publication Real-Time Speaker Tracking Using Particle Filter Sensor Fusion “Real-Time Speaker Tracking Using Particle Filter Sensor Fusion”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 92, pp. 485-494, 2004.