CNMAT's educational programs and online educational materials
CNMAT's educational programs includes a wide range of opportunities for UC Berkeley students and outside scholars, artists, and music lovers. CNMAT technologies support an expanding selection of courses offered through the Department of Music at UC Berkeley. Check under courses to see a full list of the undergraduate-level introductory course as well as the graduate-level seminars.
Some of CNMAT's best resources are now also available online, with the introduction of the Max/MSP/Jitter Depot and the Music Information Center. The Max/MSP/Jitter Depot is a library of resources that are freely available for download and use: tools for artists and researchers, educational materials for students and teachers, and complete musical works for exploration and analysis.
The tools available for download range from single external objects to free-standing applications, and educational materials cover a wide range of topics, from spectral synthesis to beginning programming in Max/MSP/Jitter.
The Music Information Center is an annotated list of resources in computer music and new music in general, recommended by the CNMAT community. From tutorials on recording technique to residencies for composers, from the history of electronic music to third-party externals for Max/MSP, the Music Information Center is an ever-growing directory of materials for the creation of electronic and computer music; the use and development of relevant technologies; career development for composers and researchers; and self-directed learning within computer music and its related fields.
CNMAT's educational opportunities for the general public include a variety of on-site events and online resources. In addition to an active schedule of lectures, presentations, and concerts open to the public throughout the year, CNMAT also conducts summer workshops in Max/MSP, Jitter, and sensors. These intensive workshops provide attendees with a comprehensive look at the implications of the technology in question for research and artistic creation, while also developing the familiarity with the fundamentals necessary for continued independent study. Students leave each workshop with an array of tools to explore and use in their own work.