oscuinoSerial is a Max/MSP patch and Arduino sketch for two way communication using the Oscuino library over SLIP encoded Serial.
The max patches require the odot library for constructing and routing bundles which are included with the [cnmat:downloads|CNMAT Everything download].
The source code on [https://github.com/CNMAT/OSCuino|github] also includes an extension of the Serial object which sends and receives data using the SLIP Encoding. This makes Max/MSP integration very simple using CNMAT's slipOSC object connected to the Serial object. The SLIPSerial object has the same methods as the Serial object with an additional endPacket method which sends the "End Of Transmission" character (octal 300), the packet delimiter for the SLIP encoding.
- Download and install the Oscuino libraries which includes SLIPEncodedSerial library (available on github)
- Open one of the Serial examples shown in the Oscuino examples menu
- Upload the sketch to your Arduino
- Open the oscuino.maxpat file from the Applications folder on github in Max/MSP
- Communicate with your Arduino using full OSC!