How to join CNMAT groups (Main Room Users, Rear Studio Users, Media Lab users, Equipment Access Users, CUG)
The following groups are open for enrollment to all CNMAT Users who are currently active members of the [cnmat:node/3078| CNMAT Keyholder Group]. Please e-mail [cnmat:node/6808|Jay Cloidt] ( to request admission to any of the following groups at CNMAT. Check individual group pages for further details on group privileges.
[cnmat:node/3114|The CNMAT Main Room Users Group]
[cnmat:node/3115|The CNMAT Rear Studio Users Group]
[cnmat:node/8883|The CNMAT Equipment Access Group]
[cnmat:node/3116|The CNMAT Media Lab Users Group]
[cnmat:node/12185|The CNMAT Users Group (CUG)]
The CNMAT Users Group (CUG) is an official University group whose members consist of graduate students in music. Please contact the current CUG faculty coordinator (Ed Campion -- for further information on current CUG activities.
PLEASE NOTE: All current members for the groups above will be asked to verify/renew affiliation with their respective groups on a yearly basis. CNMAT wants to make sure that current group membership accurately represents the current active users list for that group.