Links to Max-MSP-Jitter software packages recommended by the CNMAT community. These packages of objects and tools are in common use and well tested by CNMAT MMJ users.
+ Max Objects Database (OSX, Windows)
A search engine for Max Objects. The first place to look for externals, as it is easily searchable by subject, object name, author name, library, etc. It is linked to most every site.
Emmanuel Jourdan:
+ Ejies (OSX, Windows)
The ejies is a collection of abstractions, utilities, digital signal processing, JavaScripts and Java tools developed by Emmanuel Jourdan while teaching at IRCAM.
+ Zsa Descriptors (OSX, Windows)
Zsa.descriptors is a library for real-time sound descriptors analysis for MaxMSP developed by Mikhail Malt and Emmanuel Jourdan.
Brad Garton:
+ RTcmix
Mainly developed for Max/MSP by Brad Garton, is a complete sound synthesis and signal processing language that adds real-time capabilities to the older cmix environment developed by Paul Lansky. The [rtcmix~] object encapsulates RTcmix within the Max/MSP real-time music environment.
+ chuck~
chuck~ brings the sound synthesis and signal-processing capabilities of the ChucK music programming language into Max/MSP real-time music environment.
+ maxlisp
The [maxlisp] object completely encapsulates CLISP within the Max/MSP real-time music environment, extending the capabilities of Max/MSP.
+ Jasch Objects
A collection of useful objects and utilities, focusing on list manipulation, math constants and conversion, analysis, and string ops.
John Gibson:
+ JG objects
Granular synthesis, digital waveguide mesh physical modeling, and spectral delay / graphic EQ.
Karlheinz Essl:
+ RTC Lib
A real-time composition library of abstractions.
Miller Puckette / Ted Apel:
+ Miller Puckette Externals
Miller Puckette wrote early versions of Max, and continued to write a number of useful externals after it was acquired by C74.
Serge Lemouton:
+ Samplor and more
Serge Le Mouton wrote one of the more feature rich, usable samplers for Max.
Thomas Resch:
+ noteformax
This note object remains one of the more useful implementations of MIDI-based editing in Max, as Max lacks a timeline outside of the context of Max for Live. Also see live.grid and live.step.
Trond Lossius:
+ TL Objects
Many of these objects were formative building blocks of Jamoma's current implementation.
ICST objects:
+ ICST downloads
ICST is a collaborative research center, located in Zurich. Many great Max-based tools have come out of their work throughout the years. This toolkit includes an expression object for signals, ambisonics externals, and a spline interpolation tool.