Ridji in the middle studio is set up alongside a dubbing station to serve as a place for doing all kinds of file format transfer. The user "aaaa Bogus student test user" with password "bogus"; this user has been optimized and all transfer software tested for transfers)
Ridji Audio Transfer Station
This G4 is set up with the digital output of the DAT recorder routed to the computer via MOTU PCI-424 card into Peak for recording.
• Load DAT and press play; note the sample rate of the recording (either 44.1K or 48K); allow it to keep playing.
• Open AudioMIDI setup and select PCI-424 SPDIF for all inputs and outputs. Select “2408mk3:SPDIF” as Clock Source in the pull-down menu.
• Open MOTU PCI Audio Setup; set sample rate to correct setting to match DAT (either 44.1K or 48K), verify Clock Source is “2408mk3:SPDIF”; Default Input should be “SPDIF 1-2” and Default Output should be “Analog 1-2”. Bank A should be set to Analog and all inputs/outputs enabled, Bank C should be set to SPDIF with both inputs and outputs enabled.
• Launch Peak; open the Record Settings window and select Hardware Settings; select “PCI-424” as input and output. Open the Device and Sample Format window and select “PCI-424 SPDIF” for Clock Source, and set Input to “In 8 (9 & 10)”, which selects the SPDIF inputs; set Sample Rate to “Auto”. Choose 16-bit/stereo recording format, and click “OK”
• On closing this window, Peak will be in record-ready and you should see meter activity corresponding to the DAT signal. If not, you need to troubleshoot the input path.
• Stop DAT and rewind.
• Press record to begin recording in Peak and press Play on DAT; you should see visible waveform displayed as you record.
• Make note of any text or label information which accompanied the DAT in a plain text (.txt) file.
This G4 is set up with the digital output of the DAT routed to the computer via RME Fireface interface into Peak for recording.
• Load DAT and press play; note the sample rate of the recording (either 44.1K or 48K); allow it to keep playing.
• Open AudioMIDI setup and select Fireface 400 for all inputs and outputs.
• Open the RME Fireface Settings application and note that “SPDIF in” is set to coaxial and that “Clock Mode” is set to AutoSync. (The “AutoSync Ref” display will indicate that clock source is SPDIF and that clock frequency reflects the DAT tape sample rate: either 44.1KHz or 48KHz).
• Launch Peak; open the Record Settings window and select Hardware Settings. Choose “Fireface 400” as input; then open the Device and Sample Format window and set Input to “In 8 (9 & 10)”, which selects the SPDIF inputs. Choose 16-bit/stereo format. Note that the Sample Rate pull-down shows “Auto”; this is correct.
• On closing this window, Peak will be in record-ready and you should see meter activity corresponding to the DAT signal. If not, you need to troubleshoot the input path.
• Stop DAT and rewind.
• Press the record button to begin recording in Peak and press Play on DAT; you should see visible waveform displayed as you record.
• Make note of any text or label information which accompanied the DAT in a plain text (.txt) file.
This G4 is set up with the digital output of the DAT recorder routed to the computer via MOTU UltraLite into Peak for recording.
• Load DAT and press play; note the sample rate of the recording (either 44.1K or 48K); allow it to keep playing.
• Push “Main Vol” button on UltraLite to turn it on, if necessary.
• Open AudioMIDI setup and select PCI-424 SPDIF for all inputs and outputs. Select “SPDIF” as Clock Source in the pull-down menu.
• Open MOTU PCI Audio Setup; set sample rate to correct setting to match DAT (either 44.1K or 48K), verify Clock Source is “SPDIF”; Default Input should be “SPDIF 1-2” and Default Output should be “Main Out 1-2”.
• Launch Peak; open the Record Settings window and select Hardware Settings; select “MOTU Ultra-Lite” as input and output. Open the Device and Sample Format window and select “SPDIF” for Clock Source, and set Input to “In 8 (9 & 10)”, which selects the SPDIF inputs; set Sample Rate to “Auto”. Choose 16-bit/stereo recording format, and click “OK”
• On closing this window, Peak will be in record-ready and you should see meter activity corresponding to the DAT signal. If not, you need to troubleshoot the input path.
• Stop DAT and rewind.
• Press record to begin recording in Peak and press Play on DAT; you should see visible waveform displayed as you record.
• Make note of any text or label information accompanying the DAT in a plain text (.txt) file.
When recording is finished:
• Stop Peak and DAT machine.
• Save the audio as an aif file in the appropriate folder on the archive drive; use the naming convention described below. Save the text file in the same folder with the same name (except for the .txt extension)
Naming Covention
Filenames should start with “backwards date”, e.g.: yyyymmdd, followed by brief description of person or event. Use zeros to pad date. Examples
20081116WesselBuckner.aif (November 11, 2008 concert by D. Wessel & T. Buckner)
19810103CageBrussels.aif (January 3, 1983 recording of John Cage recorded in Brussels)
19990913CampionKPFA.aif (September 13, 1999 recording of Edmund Campion on KPFA)