CNMAT presents a series of intensive and immersive summer workshops for artists, musicians, interface designers, and anyone wanting to improve their skills with Max/MSP/Jitter or learn from scratch. The courses will be taught by programmers and artists with a great deal of experience both using and teaching the software. By the end of the workshops, students should be able to construct sophisticated, robust patches.
The classes each day will consist of two lectures separated by lab sessions where the students will receive one-on-one attention from the instructors and assistants. All students, regardless of their skill level, are encouraged to attend all of the sessions throughout the day.
<table border="1">
<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Intro to Max environment; Debugging, probing; What is hidden state? Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break</td>
<td>1pm - 3pm</td>
<td>Nuts and Bolts Lecture, continued; Lab1 Assignment - Gesture To Sound</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>3pm - 4pm</td>
<td>Special topics lectures; personal work and intermediate concepts</td>
<td>Matthew Goodheart</td>
<td>4pm - 5pm</td>
<td>Alchemy with Max and Sensors / Jamoma preview</td>
<td>Alexis Emilianoff</td>
<td>5pm - 6pm</td>
<td>Dinner Break</td>
<td>6pm - 9pm</td>
<td>What is Max? High level overview; History of Max</td>
<td>John MacCallum</td>
<td>9pm - 10pm</td>
<td>Wine and cheese social</td>
<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Review / Abbreviations / Finding help / Auto-complete / Debugging part 2 / Attributes / Intro to Encapsulation / Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break</td>
<td>1pm - 3pm</td>
<td>Lab; Processing Data and Encapsulation</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>3pm - 4pm</td>
<td>Unit testing in Max</td>
<td>Nils Peters</td>
<td>4pm - 5pm</td>
<td>Intro to Jitter / Computer Vision / Kinect Integration</td>
<td>Yotam Mann</td>
<td>5pm - 6pm</td>
<td>Dinner Break</td>
<td>6pm - 9pm</td>
<td>Rhythm / Time / Scheduler</td>
<td>John MacCallum</td>
<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Review / Tempo-based objects and protocol / Data Storage/Recall / Data Dispatch / Data Viz / Data combine / Models of working / Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break</td>
<td>1pm - 3pm</td>
<td>Lab - Patching session on envelope management</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>3pm - 4pm</td>
<td>Adrian Freed</td>
<td>4pm - 5pm</td>
<td>DIY Instruments / OSCuino</td>
<td>Adrian Freed / Yotam Mann</td>
<td>5pm - 6pm</td>
<td>Dinner Break</td>
<td>6pm - 9pm</td>
<td>Data Structures / odot / dict</td>
<td>John MacCallum</td>
<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Review / Intro to MSP / Switching threads / Enveloping sounds / vshot~ / Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break</td>
<td>1pm - 3pm</td>
<td>Lab - envelope management with MSP and beyond</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>3pm - 4pm</td>
<td>Physical Computing with Maxuino</td>
<td>Ali Momeni</td>
<td>4pm - 5pm</td>
<td>More on Maxuino</td>
<td>Ali Momeni</td>
<td>5pm - 6pm</td>
<td>Dinner Break</td>
<td>6pm - 9pm</td>
<td>Advanced MSP; Spectrum as a probability distribution; poly~; granular synthesis; gen~</td>
<td>John MacCallum</td>
<td>10am - 12pm</td>
<td>Messages to Max/MSP/Jitter / Max Projects / bPatchers / Initialization Routines / Web and life resources / Loose ends and Leftover Q&A</td>
<td>Jeff Lubow</td>
<td>12pm - 1pm</td>
<td>Lunch Break</td>
<td>1pm - 1:30pm</td>
<td>Voting and Setup for Breakout Sessions</td>
<td>1:30pm - 3:30pm</td>
<td>Breakout topics with various instructors</td>
<td>John MacCallum / Jeff Lubow / Adrian Freed / Ali Momeni / Nils Peters / David Wessel</td>
<td>3:30pm - 6pm</td>
<td>6pm - 6:45pm</td>
<td>Recent and past work</td>
<td>Ali Momeni</td>
<td>6:45pm - 7:30pm</td>
<td>Programming strategies; Details on SLABS</td>
<td>David Wessel</td>
<td>7:30pm - 8:30pm</td>
<td>Overview of works</td>
<td>Paul Dimarinis</td>
<td>8:30pm - 10pm</td>
<td>Future of Max</td>
<td>David Zicarelli</td>