Andrew Blanton is a percussionist, composer, media artist, and educator. His work is fundamentally transdisciplinary combining classical percussion, new media art, and creative coding to create realtime sonic and visual environments. He will be presenting an audiovisual composition at the Chabot Space and Science Center Planetarium extending the idea of virtual reality and simulated environments into a collective group experience in the planetarium.
His current work focuses on the emergent potential between cross-disciplinary arts and technology, building sound and visual environments and instruments through software development, 3D sculptures through 3D printing and CNC routing, 3D environments through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, networked mobile development, and building scientifically accurate representations of complex data sets as visual and sound compositions. Andrew has advanced expertise in percussion, creative software development, and developing projects in the confluence of art and science. He will be joining the Ph.D. Composition program in the Department of Music at UC Berkeley in the Fall of 2019.