Image Natural Selection (Nat-Sel) Homescreen Natural Selection (Nat-Sel) Homescreen from 2009 Max patch
Project Natural Selection (Nat-Sel) NATURAL SELECTION (NAT-SEL) a real-time performance environment for computer and midi-equipped acoustic piano, 1996-present.
Project Ellipsis ELLIPSIS, 1995 Acquario Romano, Rome, Italy In collaboration with artists Andrew Ginzel and Kristen Jones June 21 from sunset to midnight Sponsored by: Commune di Roma American Academy in Rome Dimensions: H 70' x W. 45' x D. 135' (21.3 x 13.7 x 41.1 m.) Elements: 4,000 water filled glasses Hemispherical vessels Bay laurel trees Circumnavigating solar light Mirrors
Audio Edmund Campion, Ellipsis Full mp3 - ELLIPSISII.mp3 Recorded at CNMAT in 2000-01 Edmund Campion, piano members of the University Chorus at UC Berkeley, vocals Released on CD, P.S.1 Volume: Bed of Sound