The repository for uOSC is located here; this URL is to be put into your SVN client, not for use in a web browser.


A friendly "web-view" front-end is here; this will show you the files and commit logs, but does not allow you to perform any actual manipulations on the code.


Contents overview:

- /contrib: Derived source code
- /mchp: Microchip's MCHPFSUSB 1.3 firmware
- /boot: Microchip's bootloader for CUI and Bitwacker
Plus checked in modifications by Andy Schmeder to enable ping-pong mode-2 (all endpoints double buffered)
- /trunk: Main line of project development
- /doc: Papers and other documents
- /fw: Firmware releases
- /max: Max patches
- /py: Python command line utilities
- /src: uOSC source code
- /uosc: Shared platform-independent code
- /uosc.arduino: Arduino firmware code (future)
- /uosc.pic: PIC18F firmware code
- /user/osc: Target-specific OSC handling code
- /system/usb: USB related code