- [cnmat:node/add/reservation|Create a new reservation].
- [cnmat:node/3228|How to get access to the reservation system].
- A reservation ensures exclusive availability of a room.
- If a reservation is to be unused please delete it from the calendar to make the time available to others.
- Use of CNMAT facilities is restricted to [cnmat:group/keyholders|Keyholders]. For details, read [cnmat:node/3213|the use policies].
- For more information about CNMAT resources in general, read [cnmat:node/3213|The CNMAT Users Manual].
- Membership required in: [cnmat:group/rear_studio_users|Rear Studio Users Group]
- Usage information [cnmat:node/2726|Rear Studio Manual]
- Browse nodes at this location: [cnmat:taxonomy/term/674|Rear Studio]
- The activity calendar is for internal events and advisories. Vacation notices, meetings, visitors, deadlines...
- [cnmat:node/add/activity|Create a new activity].