Enables 2-channel hardware pulse-width modulation control on pins C1 and C2. This can be used to control brightness of LEDs or digital-to-analog conversion. The resolution of the PWM is 10-bits, but is controlled through a normalized floating-point interface ranging from 0.f to 1.f.
Limitations of this module: The PIC18F4550 has an enhanced PWM module capable of driving a half-bridge or full-bridge motor controller; this is not supported yet. The PWM rate is also fixed at a high speed and can't be used for servo control (a dedicated servo controller is superior anyways...). On the Sparkfun Bitwacker 2455 these pins are not exposed to the breakout, so the module is not enabled.
**/pwm/0/enable, /pwm/1/enable**
Turn PWM feature on/off.
Set duty cycle, floating point input in range [0.0 - 1.0] inclusive.