CNMAT is located in historic Genevieve McEnerney Hall (once the headquarters
of 1750 Arch Records and the Arch Ensemble), on the hilly north edge of the
UC Berkeley Campus. The CNMAT facility includes research labs, seminar rooms, performance
spaces, offices, and digital audio recording, analysis and synthesis facilities.
The building itself was renovated in 1992. Studios and laboratories are constantly
being refined to maintain professional standards and provide unique resources
essential to our mission.
CNMAT's main room has been equipped as a high-quality multichannel Sound
Spatialization Theater with Meyer speakers.
Due in part to close affiliations with Stanford University's CCRMA
and France's IRCAM, CNMAT also
maintains an unusually broad array of software tools for various musical and
research uses. For example, users have access to the standard software synthesis
programs (such as cmusic, csound, and cmix), sound analysis software, DSP software
(filter design programs, signal analysis, and real-time instrumentation and
control), various programming environments (C, C++, Java, Scheme, Common Lisp, Processing
Smalltalk, Max/MSP, SuperCollider, FTS, Matlab, Mathematica, OSW etc.). Real-time control of
music synthesis, both at the gestural (OSC, MIDI) and at the audio (DSP) level, is possible through the use
of the Max/MSP programming environment. CNMAT is pre-eminent in MAX development,
tools, and production.