# Becoming a CNMAT user
- Users must become a member of the [cnmat:group/keyholders|CNMAT Keyholders Group.]
- Email [cnmat:node/504|Richard Andrews]
- CNMAT Users who have not been specifically exempted are required to provide 10 hours per semester of volunteer help to keep CNMAT running. Opportunities include: kitchen clean-up, cable duty, library management, network maintenance, equipment inventory and storage, and other more qualified assistance. (Exempt users include faculty, staff, invited composers, and students enrolled in courses given at CNMAT.) CNMAT is grateful for all the volunteer support it receives.
- Approved users will be given training on CNMAT policies and procedures and an access code
- The policy for misusing your access privileges (not setting the alarm when exiting the building, leaving any of the non-private rooms in a disorganized, unusable state) is the following: 1. Identify the person(s) responsible, 2. Decision by faculty co-directors on course of action, including potential loss of access.
#Entering the building
- Use your entry code to open the front door.
- Outside entrances to CNMAT should not be left open for any reason at any time of the day or night. Please make sure when you enter and exit that you close the door tightly behind you. Doors often appear to be closed but are not.
- If the alarm sounds, use alarm code to de-activate alarm. (Must be de-activated before entering beyond the front door area.)
# Exiting the building
- If your are the last to vacate a room, say in the early evening, even if there are still people in the building, secure the area you are leaving: windows closed, doors shut tight, lights and equipment off.
- Check for other occupants in the building. You must check all thee levels, offices, and studios. (It is OK to leave if you are certain there is someone else in the building.)
- If you are the last to leave: close all windows, shut all doors tight (outside doors must be pushed to confirm they are locked!), turn off lights and equipment, and set alarm.
# If the alarm goes off...
People have set the alarm on me more than a few times. If you walk out of the studio and all kinds of bells and alarms start ringing, *what do you do?*
- *Shut off the alarm* by using your alarm code. Do this as fast as you can. If you can do it quickly (30 seconds or so) then there is no problem.
- If you've shut the alarm off, you are under no obligation to stay at CNMAT. Set the alarm normally when you leave. If the police show up, explain to them who you are and what happened.
- Send [cnmat:node/504|Richard] an email explaining what happened.
- If you can't shut the alarm off (say you open the door and then suffer a brain injury that makes you forget the alarm code) then *stay at CNMAT* until the police show up. Explain to them who you are and what happened. The alarm company will have phoned up one or more of the CNMAT principals to help clear things up. Try not to do this.
# Using the studios
- Studios must be reserved using the [cnmat:node/3228|reservation system].
- Refer to the appropriate page for specific details for using the [cnmat:node/2774|Main Room], [cnmat:node/2775|Media Studio], and [cnmat:node/2726|Rear Studio.]
- Users must leave the studios in standard configuration at the end of the session. Please do not remove equipment from any space without permission. Remember that when you change something you may be messing up someone else's work. Return equipment, documentation, and furniture to the proper location. Restore studio equipment to proper connectivity. *Very Important:* Clean up Disk Space!!! Memory is tight; you do not have the right to be a memory hog. Restore changes to Computer configuration. Remove trash.
- If anything breaks, notify Jay Cloidt: jjcloidt@berkeley.edu
# Using the computing and networking facilities
All users of CNMAT computing and networking facilities must follow the campus IT policies: http://technology.berkeley.edu/policy/itpolicy/
Because we are off campus we share a slow link to the campus backbone (100Mbit). It is essential to observe the campus IT policies that govern bandwidth use and not run servers from your machine that invite outsiders to consume this constrained bandwidth.
Drop in, occasional users of CNMAT should use the Airbears access point we have. Long term or regular keyholders can use the wired ethernet connections with a static IP address assigned to them.
# Using other facilities
- Users are responsible for any equipment or facilities they use at CNMAT.
- Especially the kitchen. Anyone using the kitchen must supply their own equipment and clean up afterwards. Wash your own dishes, throw out your own trash, etc. Please keep CNMAT clean for everyone's sake. Please do not use the dishwasher, it is only used for special events.
# Guests
If you are a currently active member of the CNMAT community, then you are allowed to bring visitors into CNMAT. Please use this privilege sparingly and wisely. Never share your door code with anyone, including other CNMAT users.
# Safety
- Do not allow anyone suspicious into the building, especially at night.
- When leaving, ask anyone who doesn't have an alarm code (students, for example) to please leave when you do.
- **Dial 9-911 from a CNMAT phone in any emergency**: earthquake, fire, break-in, medical emergency, etc.
- From a mobile phone, dial the UC Police at **510-642-3333**
- There is a first-aid kit in the kitchen, in the cabinet above the refrigerator.