It is possible to borrow equipment from CNMAT for performances or projects. You must first have [cnmat:node/3213| Keyholder Status] at CNMAT and you must be a member of the [cnmat:node/8883|Equipment Access Group] .
IMPORTANT: if you are checking out a large amount of gear (BNMP concert or major production) please clear the checkout and dates with the Administrative Director, Richard Andrews, or with Jay Cloidt
In order for students, faculty, visiting artists and scholars to qualify for CNMAT equipment checkout privileges, they need to attend a 2-hour workshop on basic audio equipment care and handling (including basic sound reinforcement), taught by Jay Cloidt. This workshop will be held once per year at the beginning of Fall semester; all CNMAT users will be notified of the date and time. Once they've completed the workshop, they will be added to the "Sensitive Gear Access" group on the CNMAT site, which will qualify them to check out equipment.
Gear checkout privileges are just that: privileges. They may be rescinded if 1) gear is moved, removed or borrowed without being checked out, 2) if gear is consistently not checked in or not checked in properly.
"Sensitive gear" (e.g. delicate and/or expensive equipment: Neumann and Rode mics, etc.) will live in a the mic closet upstairs (which will be fitted with an electronic lock), and will be tagged as such on the resource pages for the items. Members of the Equipment Access group will be given an access code for the locked closet. There is some personal gear (belonging to David Wessel, Adrian Freed, and Edmund Campion) on the CNMAT premises. These items will be tagged as such (e.g. "Checkout only by permission of David Wessel"), and will require permission from the owner for checkout.
Before checking out a piece of gear, please locate the gear in the CNMAT Resource Library and take note of any special conditions related to the gear. To find a piece of gear, log into CNMAT, and do a general search by gear name, or use the node number normally pasted somewhere on the piece of gear itself. To search by node number, navigate to the CNMAT Resource Library and place the number into the field for finding items by "node number". (See below for info on listing resources with node numbers)
For small checkouts (a couple of microphones and an audio interface for example)
- Click on Checkouts which is found on the home page under the user log-in name.
- Fill out the exact date and time for the loan
- Input the correct node number found attached to the equipment. Please note that node numbers do not appear on the individual resource pages list. Node numbers only appear online in the web browser URL for the page for each individual resource--if you are checking an item out ahead of time and don't have the equipment in hand, you'll need to go to the resource page for the item you wish to check out, and note the number.
- Note the storage location on the resource page for the item. All gear should be returned by the borrower to its storage location, when it is checked in, not just returned to CNMAT. If it is unclear where a piece of gear belongs, ask Richard Andrews or Jay Cloidt.
If there is no node number on the equipment you can borrow the equipment on a good faith basis, unless it is a significant piece of equipment that really should have a node number. In that case, bring it to the attention of Richard Andrews or Jay Cloidt.
IMPORTANT: when returning the gear you must revisit your checkout node and verify that the equipment has returned. If any damage has occurred to the equipment, you need to log that into the checkout node.
IMPORTANT: Storing gear in 107 Morrison is not acceptable. There is a history of microphones and computers being stolen out of Morrison.
IMPORTANT: Associated equipment sundries, such as cables, power strips, adapters, do not need to be specifically checked out, but must be properly returned to their designated CNMAT storage spot upon return.
NOTE RE NODE NUMBERS: To obtain a list of resources from a given category along with their node numbers (AKA TIDs), you'll need to do the following:
- Go to the taxonomy page for "Things" at: and click on the Edit button for a resource type (for instance, "Audio Mixers"). Clicking on the name of the resource won't work--you must click "Edit"
- On the resulting page, check the category number in the web browser URL (in this case, 578)
- Then go to :[TID of whatever you want to look up] This will produce a page with a list of all the resources in the category with their TIDs (node numbers)