#A list of audio software installed in the CNMAT Rear Studio: (updated 4 May 2010)
**Applications** - Audacity 1.3.9 - AudioSculpt 2.9.4v2 - CSound 5.09 - Digital Performer 6.02 - Diphone Studio 4.2 - Finale 2007 c.r2 (plus Garritan Personal Orchestra) - Finale 2010 b.r1 (plus Garritan Instruments for Finale 2010) - Garageband 4.1.2 - Kontakt 3.5.0 - Kontakt Player 2.2.4 - Live 7.0.16 OS X - Logic Pro 9.1.1 - MacCsound 1.3b4 - Mainstage 2.1.1 - Max/MSP/Jitter 5.07 - Melodyne Essential - MetaSynth Pro 4.0 - MIDI Monitor 1.2.1 - Modalys 2.9.95 - OMax 5.0.1 - Open Music 6.0.8 (Doesn't run in Leopard) - Peak Pro 6.1.1 - ProTools LE 8.0.1 - Reason 4.0.1 - SoundHack 0.896 - Soundtrack Pro 3.0.1 - Spear 0.7.3 - SuperVP 2.97.35 - SuperVP Trax 5.0.5 - Toast Titanium 10.0.2 - WaveBurner 1.6.1
**Plug-ins** - (Digidesign Pro Tools plug-ins) - GRM Tools - Kontakt 2 Player and Kontakt 3 Sampler - mda Plug-ins (VST only) - Pro Tools Factory Plug-ins - Soundhack Delay/Freesound Bundles - SFX Machine LT 1.0.6 VST - SmartMusicSoftSynth 2.0.1 - Synful Orchestra 2.5.2 - Waves Mercury Bundle