CNMAT presents a series of spring and summer workshops for students, artists, musicians and anyone interested in learning new software. We are offering a number of interesting new or revised workshops this year, including [|training to develop new Max/MSP/Jitter externals], updated versions of our popular Max/MSP/Jitter [|beginners] and [|advanced] courses, an expanded version of our [|Jitter workshop], and new courses on [|using interactive e-textiles] and [|transforming gestural controllers into musical instruments].
All workshops will be held at [|CNMAT], 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA.To reserve a space, visit the page associated with the workshop and select Sign up.
[|Developers Workshop for Max/MSP/Jitter Externals]
- Runs April 27 to May 1, 2009 (10-12, lunch break 12-1, 1-3)
- This workshop offers a supportive, hands-on environment for you to learn the basics of writing Max C externals and sharpening your skills. We will cover the basics and also provide time for deeper explorations of specialized topics according to your interests.
- Features Max 5.0
- Instructors: John MacCallum, Andy Schmeder, Adrian Freed, with additional supporting teachers
- Fee: $450
[|Max/MSP/Jitter Day School]
- Runs July 20-24, 11 AM -4 PM (Lecture 11-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-4)
- This intensive week of hands-on classes covers the basics of Max/MSP/Jitter programming.
- Features Max 5.0
- Instructors: Michael Zbyszynski and other experienced Max/MSP/Jitter teachers
- Fee: $550
[|Jitter Night School]
- Runs July 20-24, 6-9 PM
- Jitter is an extension to Max that allows flexible generation and manipulation of video, matrix, and 3D graphics data.
- This five-evening sequence of classes covers Cycling 74’s Jitter environment and is designed for students with at least a basic understanding of Max programming.
- Instructor: Andrew Benson
- Fee: $450
[|Interactive e-textile Workshop with Arduino Lilypad]
- Runs July 25-26, 10 AM-5 PM (Lecture and Guest 10-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-5)
- By cutting, sewing, sticking, weaving, and layering unusual e-textiles we will build interactive clothing and musical instruments in a collaborative workshop environment.
- Instructors: Adrian Freed, Yotam Mann, and assorted luminary guest teachers to be announced
- Fee: $300 (includes materials fee with lilypad system you keep after the class)
[|2009 DIY Electronic Musical Instruments and Installations with Max/MSP/Jitter]
- Runs July 24-25, 10 AM-5 PM (Lecture and Guest 10-12, lunch break 12-1, lab session with instructor support 1-5)
- Instructor: Adrian Freed, Yotam Mann, John MacCallum, Andy Schmeder, and assorted luminary guest teachers and lab assistants to be announced
- In this workshop you will transform your chosen gestural controller (WII, Gametrak, Multitouch, iPhone, Wearable, Stribe, Monome, Lemur, MIDI guitar/keyboard/drum/etc, custom arduino creation etc.) into a
musical instrument using Max/MSP/Jitter and CNMAT’s extensive library of sound gestural processing, sound synthesis, processing and spatialization tools.
- Fee: $650 (includes lab fee)
[|Max/MSP Night School]
- The workshop runs July 27-31, 6-9 pm (and typically later)
- The course focuses on the use of Max for control of complex interactive systems. Emphasis is placed on areas of active research and interest at CNMAT
- Instructors: Ali Momeni and guest lecturers
- Fee: $450